How to Make a Working Cat House in Minecraft TUTORIAL

How to Make a Working Cat House in Minecraft

For the similar mob that spawns in jungles, come across Ocelot.

Cats are tameable passive mobs that are establish in villages and swamp huts.


  • one Spawning
    • 1.ane Villages
    • 1.two Swamp Hut
    • 1.iii Bedrock Edition
  • 2 Drops
  • three Appearance
  • 4 Behavior
    • 4.1 Stray true cat
    • 4.2 Tamed cat
    • 4.iii Gifts
    • 4.iv Teleportation
  • 5 Taming
  • vi Breeding
  • 7 Healing
  • eight Sounds
  • 9 Information values
    • 9.ane ID
    • 9.2 Entity data
      • nine.ii.1 Cat type
      • 9.2.2 Neckband color
    • nine.three Advancement criteria
  • ten Achievements
  • 11 Advancements
  • 12 History
  • xiii Issues
  • fourteen Trivia
  • 15 Gallery
    • 15.ane Screenshots
    • 15.2 In other media
    • 15.3 Renders
  • 16 References

Cats tin can spawn every 1200 ticks (1 infinitesimal). A random player is selected (including spectators), a random location 8-32 blocks in +/- x/z (based on thespian location) is chosen. A cat can spawn if that block is less than ii chunks from a village with fewer than 5 cats, or inside a swamp hut.


Untamed cats spawn in villages equally long as there is at least 1 villager and four beds. One cat spawns for every four valid beds, with a maximum of ten cats. Cats that spawn with the creation of a hamlet do non despawn, however any boosted cats that spawn within a hamlet may despawn. A village cat spawns with a random appearance, still black cats may only spawn during a full moon.‌[ Java Edition but ] [ verify ] The spawning of cats in villages is a separate procedure from the natural spawning of passive mobs, and thus is not affected by the Creature mob cap.

in Bedrock Edition, a hamlet periodically spawns stray cats to fill up a quota of 1 cat per 4 endemic beds, upwardly to a maximum of 5 cats for 20 or more owned beds. Simply endemic beds (those currently claimed by a villager) are counted for this purpose. All cats within the village boundaries are counted, including kittens, cats that wander in from outside, and even tamed cats owned by a histrion. If the number of cats plant is brusque of the quota, the hamlet tries to spawn one cat or kitten within a book of 16 × 6 × 16 blocks centered on the village middle. (This is the aforementioned volume used when a hamlet spawns an atomic number 26 golem.)

Swamp Hut

One untamed black cat generates alongside a witch inside swamp huts upon globe generation. This cat never despawns. Additional blackness cats can spawn within the hut similarly to witches, however require a grass block to exercise and then. In Coffee Edition, any other cats to spawn within the witch hut (from spawn eggs and commands without cat type gear up) ever spawn as black. A new true cat does not spawn in a hut if at that place is already a true cat inside a 16×viii×sixteen block volume.‌[ Coffee Edition just ] [ verify ]

Boulder Edition

25% of cats spawn as kittens. During a full moon, 50% of cats that spawn are blackness.

Developed cats driblet:

  • 0–2 string . This drop is not afflicted past Looting.
  • 1–3 when killed past a thespian or tamed wolf.

Upon successful breeding, ane–7 is dropped.

Like other baby animals, killing a kitten yields no item or experience.

This page would benefit from the addition of more than images.

Please remove this find in one case you lot've added suitable images to the article.
The specific instructions are: Baby Siamese during 21w11a

New Cats.png
From left to right: tabby, tuxedo, red, siamese, British shorthair, calico, Persian, ragdoll, white, and black.
Tamed Gray Tabby Cat with Red Collar.png
The unused tamed grey tabby texture in Bedrock Edition.[1]

Despite sharing the aforementioned model, cats are smaller than ocelots. There are currently 11 skins that cats tin can take. I of the cat skins was designed after Jellie, the true cat of YouTuber GoodTimesWithScar, and was chosen by the community in a Twitter vote.[two] The current skins are:

In the default resource pack, a texture file for a tamed grey tabby exists.‌[ Exist merely ] [1] It is however completely unused and cannot be spawned in-game.

Like tamed wolves, tamed cats also have a collar on their necks. The color of the true cat'due south neckband is blood-red when tamed and can exist inverse past using dyes.

Cats are immune to autumn damage, only they still avoid falling off cliffs loftier enough to normally cause autumn harm.

Cats tin see players even if they have the Invisibility status effect. With the exception of a faster movement charge per unit, kittens accept the aforementioned behavior equally adults. They hiss at phantoms that are currently pursuing a thespian.‌[ JE only ] Creepers and phantoms avoid cats, even while pursuing a role player, keeping a altitude of 6 and xvi blocks abroad respectively from any cats. Withal, a creeper that has begun its detonation does not flee unless the player leaves its blast radius.

Stray true cat

A stray cat is an untamed true cat. Naturally spawned cats always spawn as stray cats. Unlike untamed wolves, stray cats may despawn naturally. They pursue and attack chickens, rabbits, and baby turtles up to a distance of fifteen blocks. Fifty-fifty though they spawn in villages, they don't necessarily remain there; instead, they explore.

They dart abroad from any player within vii blocks (unless the thespian is sneaking‌[ BE but ] or difficulty is fix to peaceful‌[ JE just ]), and avert players within 16 blocks. However, they slowly approach a player holding raw cod or salmon inside 10 blocks, allowing the player to feed and tame information technology (see § Taming below). If the player moves, turns too quickly, or stops property the fish while within 6 blocks, the true cat flees and does not attempt to arroyo the actor for a few seconds.

Devious cats can be leashed.

Tamed cat

1.2.4 catsSitting.png
Cats sitting on a reddish bed.
Unless allowable to sit (encounter #Taming beneath), tamed cats do not remain all the same for long and explore effectually the player.

A cat non already sitting attempts to become on meridian of chests, the pes part of beds, or active furnaces at the true cat'southward electric current Y-level within a 4-cake-radius square horizontally, and one time on top oftentimes assumes a sitting position without a command from the player. A cat also occasionally attempts to sit on these blocks if the blocks are at basis level. A chest with a true cat sitting on pinnacle of it becomes unusable unless the cat is allowable to stand up. Cats that sit on their ain tin be ordered to stand, or they may get upwardly if the player holds a raw fish nearby. The cat can as well be brought downward by removing the block or pushing it off. A true cat tin can also exist forcibly moved by attacking information technology. A cat does not sit on a block that is obstructed by some other block above it.

Like other mobs, cats enter nearby boats, trapping themselves.

If a thespian is harmed by a hostile mob or a harming potion, but non by environmental harm, a cat sitting in proximity to the player stands, moves a few blocks from its sitting location, and then resumes sitting.


When the player sleeps, tamed cats motility toward their possessor and sleep about them. When the player wakes, their tamed cats also wake. In that location is a lxx% take chances for a tamed cat to requite the actor a souvenir afterwards they wake up, merely simply if the actor sleeps at night (if the role player sleeps during a thunderstorm during the daytime, or if the tamed cat has been ordered to sit down, the player receives no souvenir). The gift is a dropped item from the cat_morning_gift.json boodle table:

Gift Weight Take a chance 1 in ...
Rabbit'due south foot x (531) 16.thirteen% half dozen.2
Rabbit hide
Rotten mankind
Raw craven
Phantom membrane 2 (i31) 3.22% 31

Afterward a cat gives a gift, both the true cat and the gift are located in the full general area of the bed the actor slept on, including on the other side of walls or floors.

If a player has multiple standing tamed cats in the area, only the tamed true cat that sleeps on the role player may provide a gift. If all standing tamed cats in the area are prevented from reaching the player (i.e. trapped in minecarts or boats), each cat has a seventy% chance of providing a gift.


Tamed cats teleport to the actor if they are more than 12 blocks from the actor, except where listed below. It is possible for a tamed cat to teleport to an inaccessible location (east.g. under ice) and be injured or suffocate of various causes equally a effect.

A cat does non teleport:

  • If the cat has been ordered to sit.
    • Exception: The true cat is likely to teleport if it is injured while sitting (it does not sit later it teleports). A dramatic case is if a cat sitting exterior is struck by lightning, in which case the true cat materializes on fire. This kills the cat.
    • Exception: If a kitten is told to sit down, and grows up while the clamper it is sitting in is yet loaded, it teleports to the player and materializes notwithstanding sitting.
  • If the cat is attempting to sit on a chest, bed, or furnace. ‌[ Bedrock Edition just ]
  • If the cat is attempting to lay or is laying on a bed.
  • If the cat is in a minecart or gunkhole.
  • If the cat has been fastened to a contend mail with a pb.
  • If the cat is in an unloaded chunk.
  • If none of the blocks on the edge of a v×5×1 region centered on the histrion are transparent blocks with an opaque block below and another transparent block higher up.
  • If the player is in another dimension.
  • If the player is in water: The cat teleports to the player when the player leaves the water.
  • If the cat is in h2o: teleportation is unreliable. Information technology may or may non occur.

Cat teleportation is completely silent; this is intentional.[3]

Tamed cat.png
A sitting tamed black true cat.
Devious cats tin can exist tamed using raw cod or raw salmon (see #Beliefs for how to arroyo a cat). In one case tamed, cats follow the actor who tamed them. They do not despawn, no longer fearfulness the player and purr or meow often. Similar wolves, and with the same limits, they tin can teleport to a player who moves 12 blocks abroad.

The player can gild a cat to sit/stand by pressing employ on it. If the player is belongings a raw cod or salmon when commanding a cat to sit or stand, the fish is given to the cat instead, causing it to enter love mode. Once in love fashion, the histrion tin can command a cat to sit or stand while belongings a fish. Cats also sit on certain things of their ain accord (see beneath).

Cats and kitten.png
Ii cats with a newly bred kitten.

When tamed cats are fed an uncooked cod or salmon, they enter beloved style. Breeding creates a kitten, and the parents cannot breed again for 5 minutes. The kitten has the coloring of and belongs to the owner of one of the parents.

Two sitting cats are unable to breed, but a mobile cat can breed with a sitting cat, in which case the mobile cat's owner also owns the kitten. The growth of kittens tin be slowly accelerated using raw cod or salmon. Each fish reduces the growth time remaining past x%.

Feeding an injured tamed true cat an uncooked cod or salmon restores its health by two Mob Heart (icon).png . Unlike tamed wolves, a tamed cat'due south tail is non an indicator of its health.

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resources location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
True cat meows ? Randomly when tamed entity.true cat.ambient 0.6 / 0.5 / 0.6 / 0.5 ? 16
Cat meows ? Randomly when stray 0.35 ? 16
True cat begs ? True cat is a stray and role player is holding fish ? ? 16
Cat dies ? Cat dies 0.75 0.nine 16
Cat eats ? Fed with fish entity.true ? 1 ? 16
True cat hisses ? Hissing at phantoms ? 0.four ? 16
Cat hurts ? Cat takes damage 0.65 ? sixteen
Cat purrs ? Randomly while sitting on a bed, or when entering dear style 0.7 ? 16
True cat meows ? ? 0.5 ? xvi


Java Edition:

Name Identifier Translation key
Cat cat

Bedrock Edition:

Name Identifier Numeric ID Translation cardinal
True cat true cat 75

Entity data

Cats have entity data associated with them that contain diverse properties.

Java Edition:

  • Entity data
    •  CatType: The ID of the skin the cat has. Any invalid ID is discarded, resulting in a randomized skin.
    •  CollarColor: The color of the cat's collar. Present even for stray cats (only does non render); default value is 14.

True cat type

Neckband colour

Bedrock Edition:

See Boulder Edition level format/Entity format.

Advancement criteria

Criteria recorded for A Consummate Catalogue advocacy
Tamed Cat Criteria
Blackness textures/entity/cat/all_black.png
British Shorthair textures/entity/true cat/british_shorthair.png
Calico textures/entity/true cat/calico.png
Jellie textures/entity/cat/jellie.png
Farsi textures/entity/true cat/western farsi.png
Ragdoll textures/entity/cat/ragdoll.png
Red textures/entity/cat/red.png
Siamese textures/entity/true cat/siamese.png
Tabby textures/entity/cat/tabby.png
Tuxedo textures/entity/cat/black.png
White textures/entity/cat/white.png

Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other platforms
Where Have You Been? Receive a gift from a tamed cat in the morn. The gift must be picked upwards from the footing. 20G Bronze
Plethora of Cats Befriend twenty stray cats. Befriend and tame twenty devious cats found in villages. They do not all demand to be tamed in a single world. 20G Silver

Icon Advocacy In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resources location
The Parrots and the Bats
Breed two animals together Husbandry Breed a pair of any of these 22 mobs:
  • Axolotl
  • Bee
  • Cat
  • Craven
  • Moo-cow
  • Donkey
  • Flim-flam
  • Goat
  • Hoglin
  • Horse
  • Llama
  • Mooshroom
  • Mule
  • Ocelot
  • Panda
  • Pig
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep
  • Strider
  • Trader Llama
  • Turtle
  • Wolf
A mule must exist the result of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advocacy as they are not breed-able together. Other breed-able mobs, if any, can be bred, but are ignored for this advancement.
Best Friends Forever
Tame an animal Husbandry Tame one of these tameable mobs:
  • Cat
  • Ass
  • Equus caballus
  • Llama
  • Mule
  • Parrot
  • Trader Llama
  • Wolf
Two by Two
Breed all the animals! The Parrots and the Bats Brood a pair of each of these 21 mobs:
  • Axolotl
  • Bee
  • Cat
  • Chicken
  • Cow
  • Donkey
  • Fox
  • Goat
  • Hoglin
  • Equus caballus
  • Llama
  • Mooshroom
  • Mule
  • Ocelot
  • Panda
  • Sus scrofa
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep
  • Strider
  • Turtle
  • Wolf
A trader llama does not count every bit a llama, and a mule must be the event of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advocacy as they are not breed-able together. Other breed-able mobs, if any, can be bred, but are ignored for this advocacy.
A Complete Catalogue
Tame all cat variants! Best Friends Forever Tame each of these 11 true cat variants:
  • Tabby
  • Tuxedo
  • Blood-red
  • Siamese
  • British Shorthair
  • Calico
  • Persian
  • Ragdoll
  • White
  • Jellie
  • Black
Other cat variants, if any, can be tamed, but are ignored for this advancement.

This department would benefit from the addition of isometric renders.

Please remove this observe once you've added suitable isometric renders to the article.
The specific instructions are: Tuxedo kitten during 18w43a (including its tamed kitten), western farsi true cat in 19w41a (see MC-163227) and cats and ocelots in 20w45a (see MC-203644)

This page would benefit from the addition of more than sounds.

Please remove this observe once you've added suitable sounds to the article.
The specific instructions are: True cat hiss1.ogg and hiss3.ogg before and afterwards the ready of MC-114000.

Java Edition
1.2.1 12w04a Tuxedo Cat Revision 0.png Red Tabby Cat Revision 0.png Siamese Cat Revision 0.png
Baby Tuxedo Cat Revision 0.png Baby Red Tabby Cat Revision 0.png Baby Siamese Cat Revision 0.png Added cats, which can be tamed from ocelots.
12w05a Taming ocelots into cats is now easier.
Cats can at present exist commanded to sit by pressing the use item control.[4]
Cats accept now become immune to fall damage.
Cats now frighten creepers.
12w05b Tamed cats now sit down when right clicked with empty hand.
12w06a Cats now have sounds.
Cats now try to jump on a bed if one is present.
1.2.4 release Jeb has now made cats "more realistic... probably more annoying".[5] They now sit on beds and also agile furnaces and chests.
one.5 pre Kittens now sometimes despawn upon becoming adults. This tin can be prevented past feeding them a fish in one case they are an adult.
ane.eight 14w02a Baby cat growth can now exist accelerated using raw cod.
14w10a Cats named using a proper noun tag now display death messages to the owner.
1.9 15w38a All cats – fifty-fifty unnamed cats – now display death messages to their owner.
ane.10 16w20a A cat spawn egg has been added, which spawn ocelots with cat textures.
pre2 The cat spawn egg has been removed.
1.eleven 16w32a The entity ID of cats and ocelots has been changed from Ozelot toocelot.
September 29, 2018 Stray cats are announced at MINECON Globe 2018.
1.fourteen 18w43a Tuxedo Cat Revision 2.png Red Cat.png Siamese Cat JE2 BE2.png The textures of cats have been updated.
18w44a Added stray cats.
Cats accept been split from ocelots into their own mob.
Cats are now tamed from stray cats rather than ocelots.
Cats now drop 0-2 cord upon death.
Cats now scare off phantoms, sleep with players and give them gifts when waking upward.
Tabby Cat.png British Shorthair Cat.png Calico Cat.png Persian Cat.png Ragdoll Cat.png White Cat.png Black Cat.png Seven more cat textures have been added.
Reimplemented the spawn egg.
Nov xix, 2018 A vote for the ninth true cat has now concluded and the texture has been revealed.
18w47b Tuxedo Cat.png The tuxedo cat's texture has been changed.
18w50a Cats can now spawn in villages.
Jellie Cat.png Added a peel of the winner of the community cat contest, Jellie.
19w14a Cats can now naturally spawn in villages, instead of only upon earth generation.
1.15 19w41a Persian cats now have a black nose due to MC-163227.
19w42a Persian cats no longer have a black olfactory organ.
1.16 Pre-release ii "Jellie" cats now spawn naturally in villages.
i.17 20w45a Cats at present have three legs.[6]
20w46a Cats no longer have three legs.
21w11a Siamese Cat JE3.png The texture of the siamese true cat now have been inverse.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.12.i build one Tuxedo Cat Revision 0.png Red Tabby Cat Revision 0.png Siamese Cat Revision 0.png Added cats.
build 2 Added a tame button for ocelots, so they tin can now be tamed into cats.
Bedrock Edition
1.8.0 beta Added stray cats.
Cats accept been split up from ocelots into their ain mob.
Cats are now tamed from stray cats rather than ocelots.
Tuxedo Cat Revision 2.png Red Cat.png Siamese Cat JE2 BE2.png The textures of cats have been updated.
Tabby Cat.png British Shorthair Cat.png Calico Cat.png Persian Cat.png Ragdoll Cat.png White Cat.png Black Cat.png Seven more than cat textures have been added.
Tamed Gray Tabby Cat with Red Collar.png In the default resource pack, a texture file for a tamed gray tabby cat exists. However, information technology is completely unused and cannot be spawned in-game.
Cats now scare off phantoms.
Cats now sleep with players and give them gifts when waking up.
1.10.0 beta Jellie Cat.png Added the Jellie skin.
Cats are at present healed when fed raw cod and raw salmon.
1.xi.0 beta ane.11.0.3 Cats can now spawn in player created registered villages.
Population of cats is i for every 4 valid beds, which is capped at ten cats per village.
Legacy Console Edition
TU12 CU1 one.0 Patch 1 i.0.1 Red Tabby Cat Revision 0.png Tuxedo Cat Revision 0.png Siamese Cat Revision 0.png Added cats, which tin can be tamed from ocelots.
TU13 Added a sound for hit ocelots and cats.
TU14 1.04 Baby ocelots and cats tin can now be spawned by using XboxOne LT.png / PS4 L2.png / WiiU ZL.png on an adult course of that mob using a spawn egg.
TU31 CU19 one.22 Patch three Baby true cat growth can now be accelerated using raw cod. Other fish may or may not be effective.
1.83 Added cats every bit a separate mob from ocelots
Tabby Cat.png British Shorthair Cat.png Calico Cat.png Persian Cat.png Ragdoll Cat.png White Cat.png Black Cat.png Added new skins for cats.
Cats at present spawn in villages and can be tamed with fish.
Cats scare off phantoms, sleep with players and give them gifts.
1.90 Jellie Cat.png Added the Jellie peel.
Cats are now healed when fed raw cod and raw salmon.

Problems relating to "Cat" are maintained on the bug tracker. Written report issues there.

  • The tuxedo true cat is based on Jeb'due south pet true cat, Newton,[7] who died in 2014.[eight]
  • The Jellie cat is based on GoodTimesWithScar's cat, Jellie.
  • In MINECON World 2018, Jeb announced that the community could vote for a 9th cat skin to be added with the rest of the other 8 cat skins. As a result, GoodTimesWithScar'due south true cat Jellie won the contest and was added in Village and Pillage, making the second mob variation that was suggested by the community, the first being "Toast", a rabbit skin.
  • Both calico and white cat appear to have heterochromia.
  • The calico cat skin'due south fur pattern resembles that of Winslow, from Minecraft: Story Manner, with the just differences being the eye color and the mirrored fur pattern. The episode in which the cat appears was released ii years earlier calico cats were added into the game.
  • In real life, cats have been known for their power to flip upright during a fall, particularly larger ones; though they still might exist injured by landing. This fact is reflected in Minecraft considering they are not damaged past falls.
  • The current Siamese cat texture is unused in Bedrock Edition.

  1. a b
    Tamed Gray Tabby Texture.png
  2. "Which cat do you want to encounter added to Minecraft? Cast your vote!" – @Minecraft on Twitter, November 16, 2018
  3. MC-166291 – resolved equally "Invalid"
  4. " In the next version you will be able to make cats stay by sitting just like wolves." – @jonkagstrom on Twitter, Jan 30, 2012
  6. MC-203644
  7. " Hmmm looks similar @jeb_ added his own true cat to Minecraft. Detect the similarities?" – @LydiaWinters on Twitter, January 26, 2012
  8. "One time she was my model for the Minecraft cat, and now she's gone. R.I.P Newton :(" – @jeb_ on Twitter, May 22, 2014


How to Make a Working Cat House in Minecraft TUTORIAL

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